SERIES: Jobs in the Garden - February 2022

Posted by Original on 1st Feb 2022

It may still be cold outside but February feels like a turning point in the garden. Signs that Spring is on its way are everywhere, bulbs are slowly emerging and the days are at last getting longer.

This months garden jobs are mostly about getting ready for spring. Here are our top tips on what to do in your garden this month:-

1. Prepare your seed beds and organise your seeds by sowing date so you don't miss the 'when to be planted' date.

2.Give your tools and equipment the once over to make sure they are all in good working order.

3.Get a head start on weeding your flower beds.

4. Prune and tidy your flower garden. Cut back shrubs, prune overwintered fuchsias and remove faded flowers from winter pansies to stop them setting seed. This will encourage a flush of new flowers when the warmer weather comes.

5. Build raised beds. Raised beds allow you to make an early start in the garden as the soil warms up quicker.

6. Look after your lawn. Remember to keep off the grass when there is a frost to avoid damage.

7. Keep feeding the birds!

8. Install water butts now ready for the summer months.

9.If you don't want to brave the cold, there are a number of jobs that can be completed from the comfort of your armchair

  • Plan your vegetable plot
  • Order Seeds
  • Order flower bulbs
  • Choose fruit trees now for planting in early spring