Jobs in the Garden: June 2024

Jobs in the Garden: June 2024

7th Jun 2024

Gardening Jobs for June in the UK

June is a delightful month for gardeners in the UK. With longer days and warmer temperatures, your garden is bursting with life and colour. However, this period of lush growth also requires regular care and attention. Here’s a guide to the essential tasks to keep your garden flourishing throughout June.

1. Planting and Sowing

June is an excellent time to plant a variety of summer-flowering plants and vegetables. Here’s what you can do:

  • Summer Bedding Plants: Fill any gaps in your borders or containers with summer bedding plants like petunias, marigolds, and impatiens.
  • Vegetables: Continue sowing quick-growing vegetables such as lettuce, radishes, and spinach for a continuous supply. Plant out courgettes, squash, and sweetcorn.
  • Herbs: Sow basil, dill, and coriander directly into the soil or pots.

2. Watering and Feeding

As temperatures rise, so does the need for consistent watering and feeding:

  • Watering: Water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening to reduce evaporation. Focus on the roots, not the foliage, to ensure water reaches where it’s needed most.
  • Feeding: Feed flowering plants with a high-potash fertilizer to encourage blooms. Vegetables benefit from a balanced feed to promote healthy growth.

3. Pruning and Deadheading

Pruning and deadheading help maintain the health and appearance of your plants:

  • Deadheading: Regularly remove spent flowers from plants like roses, dahlias, and geraniums to encourage new blooms and prevent disease.
  • Pruning: Trim back spring-flowering shrubs such as lilac and forsythia after they have finished flowering. This helps shape the plant and promotes growth for the following year.

4. Lawn Care

June is a pivotal month for maintaining a lush, green lawn:

  • Mowing: Mow your lawn regularly, but keep the mower blades high to avoid stressing the grass during hot periods.
  • Feeding: Apply a summer lawn feed to keep the grass healthy and green. If there are any bare patches, reseed them now for quick establishment.
  • Watering: Water your lawn deeply once or twice a week rather than a light sprinkling every day.

5. Pest Control

With warmer weather, pests become more active:

  • Aphids: Check roses and other susceptible plants for aphids. Use a strong jet of water to dislodge them or introduce natural predators like ladybirds.
  • Slugs and Snails: Protect young plants and seedlings by setting up slug traps or using barriers like crushed eggshells or copper tape.

6. Weeding

Weeds compete with your plants for nutrients and water:

  • Regular Weeding: Make a habit of regular weeding sessions to keep them under control. Mulching your beds helps suppress weed growth and retains moisture.
  • Hoeing: On dry days, hoeing weeds is an effective way to manage them. The disturbed soil dries out, preventing weed seeds from germinating.

7. Harvesting

June marks the start of the harvest season for some early crops:

  • Soft Fruits: Start harvesting strawberries, raspberries, and gooseberries. Net them to protect from birds.
  • Early Vegetables: Enjoy the first harvests of new potatoes, peas, and broad beans. Regular picking encourages further production.

8. Greenhouse Care

If you have a greenhouse, it requires special attention during June:

  • Ventilation: Ensure your greenhouse is well-ventilated to prevent overheating. Open vents and doors on hot days.
  • Shading: Apply shading paint or use shade cloths to protect plants from scorching.
  • Watering: Maintain high humidity by damping down the floor and misting plants regularly.

9. General Maintenance

Keep your garden in top shape with these general maintenance tasks:

  • Support Plants: Stake tall or top-heavy plants like delphiniums and sunflowers to prevent wind damage.
  • Composting: Continue adding garden waste to your compost bin, ensuring a good mix of green and brown materials for a balanced compost.
  • Tool Care: Sharpen and clean your gardening tools regularly to ensure they are effective and last longer.

June is a busy but rewarding month in the garden. By staying on top of these tasks, you’ll ensure your garden remains vibrant and productive throughout the summer. Happy gardening!