Jobs in the Garden: April 2023

Jobs in the Garden: April 2023

1st Apr 2023

Jobs in the Garden: April 2023

Jobs in the Garden: April 2023

April is an exciting month in the UK for gardening enthusiasts, as the warmer weather and longer days bring a burst of growth and colour to the garden. There are many jobs that need doing in the garden in April to prepare for the growing season ahead. Here are some of the most important tasks to focus on.

Pruning: April is a good time to prune shrubs and trees, before they start to put on new growth. Remove any dead, diseased or damaged branches, and thin out any crossing branches to improve air circulation and encourage healthy growth.

Sowing seeds: Many plants can be sown directly into the soil in April, including vegetables like carrots, peas, and spinach, as well as annual flowers like marigolds and cosmos. Start seeds indoors for tender plants like tomatoes and peppers.

Weeding: As the weather warms up, weeds will start to grow quickly, competing with your plants for water and nutrients. Regular weeding is essential to keep them under control and prevent them from taking over.

Lawn care: April is a good time to start mowing the lawn regularly. Begin by cutting the grass on a high setting, gradually lowering it over the coming weeks. Apply a spring lawn feed to encourage healthy growth and prevent weeds.

Mulching: Adding a layer of mulch to garden beds can help to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health. Use organic materials like compost, leaf mould, or well-rotted manure.

Planting: April is a great time to plant new trees, shrubs, and perennials, as the soil is starting to warm up and plants are beginning to put on new growth. Water thoroughly after planting to help them settle in.

Pests and diseases: Keep an eye out for signs of pests and diseases, and take action promptly to prevent them from spreading. Encourage beneficial insects like ladybirds and lacewings to your garden to help control pests naturally.

Tidying up: Clear away any debris or dead leaves from the garden to prevent disease and improve the appearance of your garden. Cut back any dead foliage from herbaceous perennials to make way for new growth.

In summary, April is a busy time in the UK garden, with many jobs that need doing to prepare for the growing season ahead. By following these tips and staying on top of garden maintenance, you'll be well on your way to a beautiful and productive garden.