Bird care advice

Bird care advice

Posted by Original on 21st Mar 2022

If you are hoping to attract birds to your garden this spring/summer then now is the time to start preparing by getting your bird houses, feeders and baths out so the birds can get use to what you have chosen and decide if the location is right for them.

When postitioning your birdcare items consider the following:

Quiet space - If possible your bird table should be placed where birds will not be disturbed regularly by human traffic. Dont place your items too far from the house though as you want to be able to see and enjoy the birds you have attracted to your home.

Sheltered - Position your items where its not too cold, windy or directly in the sun

In the open and safe - Birds like an all round view so they can keep an eye out for predators, so keep away from cat ambush sites!

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